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World Breast Feeding Week

SEA college of Nursing Principal, all faculties and students actively conducted various programs in the college and at Community Health Center Avalahalli. The programs included Expert talk on breast feeding Technique, Poster presentation, Drawing Competition, Pick and speak competition, Essay writing Competition, Skit. All the activities focusing on the Theme of World Breast feeding week 2024: Closing the gap: Breastfeeding support for all.

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  • Aug 03 - 08, 2024

Mental health Posting and program

SEA College of Nursing, 3rd year BSc Nursing students were posted to Vision India – Abhaya Ashram, Bangalore For Mental Health Nursing Posting under the guidance of Mrs Madhura, Associate professor, HOD Psychiatric nursing Dpt, and Mrs Ashwini, Assistant professor Psychiatric nursing Dpt The posting concluded with a small get together and the executive trustee Mr Joby Jacob Varghese listed and highlighted the importance of the drugs used to treat the mentally ill patients and briefed regarding the services extended to the patients. The students entertained the patients by performing cultural programs and conducted games and competitions in which the patients participated enthusiastically. Gift were distributed to the winners and snacks were offered to all the inmates of the Ashram. The program concluded with vote of thanks.

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  • Aug 02, 2024

Mental health posting and program at Hosabelaku

SEA college of nursing students were posted under Mental Health Nursing subject at Hosabelaku centre, Mandur . The orphan children and old age residents are taken care at the centre.On 26/7/24., Mrs Ashwini. Assistant professor,Psychiatric Nursing Dpt and Mrs. Geetha.N, Lecturer , Community Health Nursing Dpt. accompanied the students and guided various activities and cultural program were performed by the Nursing students as well as the inmates of the Centre which encouraged all the residents.

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  • Jul 26, 2024

Workshop on Relevance of Gandhian thoughts and its Ideas

SEA College Of Nursing NSS officer Mrs.Geetha N and Bsc Nursing NSS student representatives attended Workshop on Relevance of Gandhian thoughts and its Ideas on 25 th July 2024 at Gandhi bhavana , Bangalore.

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  • Jul 25, 2024

Nutrition Week Program

SEA College of Nursing and SEA school of Nursing participated in Nutrition Week Program. This included hands on experience of preparing therapeutic diet for different age groups, balanced diet, planned diet for antenatal and postnatal mothers, renal diet, hypertension diet and many more was prepared and presented by the students. They started with menu planning , food item selection and preparation under the guidance of the Nursing faculties. Students gain a wide range of experience and knowledge by involving in such group activities under the guidance of the teachers.

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  • Jul 19, 2024

World population Day

The World Population Day 2024 was observed on 11 th July on behalf of SEA College of Nursing an awareness program for High school students was conducted at Government High School, Kannamangala, Bangalore Principal Dr.Hemam Sangeeta Devi emphasised on World Population Day theme" Leave No one behind,count everyone". Faculties Mrs.Asha latha S HOD community Health Nursing,SEA College of Nursing and Mrs.Geetha.N , Lecturer,NSS officer SEA college Of nursing conducted the awareness program along with Bsc Nursing students

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  • Jul 11, 2024

World Drug Day

The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking or World Drug Day is marked on 26 June at SEA College of Nursing an awareness program for students was conducted and pledge was taken by all who attended the program. Dr.Hemam Sangeet Devi , Principal SEA College of Nursing shared message in program. Faculties and students were guided to take the pledge and all received the certificate through My Gov online portal.

  • Jun 26, 2024


The 21 st batch BSc Nursing and 21st batch of GNM's Lamp lighting ceremony and fresher's day party was conducted on 22/06/2024 .The Chief Guest of the program was Dr. Manish M Yadav, MBBS,MD AIIMS. Gen Medicine Department ,MVJ Medical college and teaching Hospital, Hosakote was invited , Presided by Smt. Manjula Krishnappa Chairperson SEA Group of Institutions, Guest of Honour Sri. D.T. Srinivasa,Member of Legislative Council (MLC) South East Teachers Constituency Secretary,

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  • Jun 22, 2024

Health Camp

At SEA Group of Institutions a health Camp was conducted for the benefit of all the teaching and non-teaching staff of SEA group of institutions at MultiPurpose Auditorium on account of celebrating the Birthday of our honorable trustee .

Dr. Brijesha S Yadav Trustee, S.E.A. Group of Institutions on 21 st June 2024.

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  • Jun 21, 2024

International Yoga Day

The International yoga day was observed at SEA College Of Nursing on 21 st June 2024 Multipurpose Auditorium. Theme for International Yoga Day for 2024 is "Yoga for Self and Society." Principal ,staff and Students actively participated in the yoga session which was organized by NSS and SNA team of SEA college of Nursing upholding the theme of yoga day.

  • Jun 21, 2024

World Environment Day

World Environment Day 2024 theme was"Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience".SEA College of Nursing Principal, Faculties and students observed it by planting saplings. Activities like face painting and poster presentation was conducted at Multi purpose Auditorium for the BSc nursing and GNM students.

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  • June 05, 2024

World No Tobacco Day

SEA College of Nursing faculties and students participated in the walkathon organized at Freedom Park in collaboration with Partnership for Healthy cities under BBMP and all Medial and Nursing colleges. The theme for World No Tobacco Day 31 st May 2024 was "Protecting children from tobacco industry interference". The message aimed to protect future generations and ensure a constant decrease in tobacco consumption. SEA college Nursing joined in creating awareness about harmful effects of tobacco use among the community people through walkathon and took a pledge with all dignitaries related to the theme.

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  • May 31, 2024

Educational visit to Indian Red Cross Society and Blood Donation activities

The 3rd and 4th year BSc Nursing students and 2nd year Diploma Nursing students accompanied by Mrs.Preethi, Lecturer in Child Health Nursing visited the Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka State Branch,Bangalore as a part of their requirement in Community Health Nursing and Blood donation under NSS activities. The staff of the Indian Red Cross society explained in detail about the various activities carried out in the Red cross society.The Nursing students voluntarily donated blood for the noble cause of the public.The visit enhanced the knowledge of students in the form of gaining first hand experience on the related subject.

  • May 15, 2024

international nurses day

International Nurse's Day May 12 th. The program was organized under SNA advisor Mr. Ilay Raj, Assistant Professor Medical Surgical Nursing and SNA office bearers and members on 9 th May 2024.The SNA students Ms. Taniya 4 th BSc Nursing was the Master of ceremony program included welcome dance by Ms. Nisha 3 BSc Nursing followed by lighting the lamp by Mrs. Jackline Jebagany Vice Principal, HOD s and faculties. Cultural activities poster making activities, games, speech by Mrs. Jacline Jabagany Vice Principal and Prof Asha Latha S, HOD community Day Our Nurse's Our Future the economic power of care was highlighted.The program was concluded with vote of thanks by Ms Anushree 4 th BSc Nursing

  • May 12, 2024


The Final year BSc Nursing students and Final Year Diploma Nursing students of SEA college of Nursing, as a part of their curriculum under Community Health Nursing and NSS activities visited Sumanahalli Leprosy Rehablitation Training Centre at Nagarbavi, Bangalore on 3rd May 2024 under the guidance of Prof. Ashalatha, HOD of Community health Nursing department and Mrs Geetha, Lecturer. The authorities conducted the orientation session and highlighted the History of Inception of the center and current rehabilitation and health services rendered to the individuals affected with leprosy, thereafter the students visited the hospital and care center. The students observed the activities carried out in the rehabilitation center and also had the opportunity to visit support Holistic Care center which is the unit under Leprasorium especially for the individuals affected with HIV infection. The educational visit helped the students to gain knowledge about the activities and services rendered at the center which in turn helped them to understand the concepts of the related Nursing subject.

  • May 03, 2024


The Principal Dr Hemam Sangeeta Devi, SEA College of Nursing under the NSS along with Prof. Ashalatha, HOD of community health Nursing and Mrs Geetha, Lecturer and final year BSc and Gnm Nursing students visited the children's orphanage of Manasa Sarathi trust, Hosakote Bangalore on 19th April 2024 and conducted games competitions and taught them craft activities and organized health awareness program on personal and environmental hygiene and served breakfast. About 30 children were benefitted through the NSS program.


International Women’s Day Celebration

The management, principal, staff and students of SEA college of Nursing College in their pink attire celebrated the International women’s day on 8th March 2024. The programme commenced with a heart warming music and Prof.Ashalatha Jones lead the programme as M.C, Prof. Yeshodamma R welcomed the gathering on the occasion, followed by Women’s day address by the special guest Prof. Shobha. K.R. Adhichunchunagiri college of Nursing who highlighted the importance of women and their achievements , The Principal of, SEA college of Nursing - Dr Hemam Sangeeta Devi delivered the speech on the contributions of women to the society and appreciated the women leaders of the country. Prof. Jacline Jabagany brought into remembrance the great women as well as men in the past for their struggle in bringing justice towards women empowerment. The programme concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Kavitha


International conference

The Principal of SEA college of Nursing, Dr Hemam Sangeeta Devi along with the faculty and students participated in the one day International conference on Artificial intelligence in transforming patient care: Application, challenges and future prospects in Nursing on 7th march 2024 at Global college of Nursing in collaboration with University of Sharjah, University of Helsinki Finland, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Thailand.



The students of SEA College of Nursing participated in the pulse polio immunization drive organized by the government, I YEAR GNM and BSc Nursing students rendered their services by actively involving in the immunization from 03/03/2024 to 5/03/2024 and administered polio drops to children under the age of five years in the vaccine booths and through home visits.


Workers' day celebration @ SEACON

S.E.A. Group of Institutions celebrated Workers' Day on February 14, 2024, on the birthday of Ms.Vineesha S. Yadhav, Vice President of S.E.A. Group of Institutions. The event was organised with various cultural activities, followed by a delicious lunch.


Whimsical Wonderland

Whimsical Wonderland,The Carnival Of Joy was organised by S.E.A Group of Institutions, Bangalore from 26 January 2024 to 28 January 2024 .

  • Jan 26-28, 2024

Blood donation camp

A Blood donation camp was conducted at Indira gandhi hospital on 22 January 2024. S. E. A college of Nursing students participated by donating blood in the program .


Christmas celebration

S.E.A College of nursing, Bangalore celebrated Christmas on 18 December 2023.

  • Dec 18, 2023

First aid training program

First aid training program was organised in S.E.A College of Nursing , Bangalore from 14 December 2023 to 15 December 2023.

  • Dec 14-15, 2023

World Aids Day 2023

World Aids Day 2023 was observed by S.E.A COLLEGE OF NURSING, Bangalore at Govt High school Kannamangala. Aids awareness skit , information video about aids and Health education were organised for 270 high school children on 1 st December 2023.

  • Dec 01, 2023

SEA CON Placement program-2023

As a part of SEA CON Placement program-2023 ,Jeevika hospital , Bangalore conducted job interview for final year students.

  • Nov 29, 2023


Karthikolvasava was celebrated in S.E.A College of Nursing on 27 November 2023.

  • Nov 27, 2023

Breast cancer awareness program

S.E.A College of Nursing, Bangalore convened Breast cancer awareness program on 26 November 2023.

  • Nov 26, 2023

NSS meeting

NSS meeting was convened in RGUHS_ Dhanvantari Hall on 23 November 2023. Mrs.Ashalatha Johnes, HOD community department along with Nursing faculties of S.E.A College of Nursing, Bangalore attended the meeting.

  • Nov 23, 2023

opportunities for medical professionals on freelance consulting

A gamut of opportunities opens up for medical professionals on freelance consulting, part time, full time & Home visits in and around their geographic location through Medivaah application.Webinar regarding Medivaah was conducted by the co- ordinator from the Medivaah company on 08 November 2023 at S.E.A College of Nursing, Bangalore.

  • Nov 08, 2023

Saraswathi Pooja

Saraswathi Pooja was conducted at S.E.A College of Nursing followed by various cultural events on 20th October 2023.

  • Oct 20, 2023

Navaratri Pooja

Navaratri Pooja was conducted at S.E.A College of Nursing on 19th October 2023.

  • Oct 19, 2023

Graduation ceremony- 2023

S.E.A CON Graduation ceremony- 2023 was held on 17th October 2023 in Multipurpose Auditorium,S.E.A Group of Institutions, Bangalore.

  • Oct 17, 2023

Swachh Bharat Abhiya 3 .0

Swachh Bharat Abhiya 3 .0 was conducted by S. E. A college of Nursing students at K. R . Puram govt. Hospital, Bangalore..

  • Oct 13, 2023

Kadhi Mahotsav

On account of Ghandhi Jayanthi , S.E.A college of nursing faculties and students took Kadhi Mahotsav pledge and attended online quiz on 12th October 2023.

  • Oct 12, 2023

Nutrition Program

S.E.A College of Nursing organised the Nutrition Program from 9th October to 11 October 2023 with an aim to foster a culture of well-being, knowledge, and wholesome nutrition.

  • Oct 9-11, 2023

Shramdaan Activity

S.E.A College of nursing organised Shramdaan Activity on 30th September 2023.

  • Sep 30, 2023

Krishna Janmashtami

Management of SEA Group of Institutions invited all the Faculties to the residence to celebrate Krishna Janmashtami on 6th September 2023.

  • Sep 06, 2023

Teachers day celebration

Nursing students in SEA college of nursing, Bangalore organised Teachers day celebration on 05th September 2023.

  • Sep 05, 2023

SNA sports and cultural program Shourya and Josh -23

Karnataka state level SNA sports and cultural program Shourya and Josh -23 was organised by S.E.A College of Nursing, Bangalore on 26 August 2023.Students from various Nursing colleges joined and made program great success.

  • Aug 26, 2023

NAAC meeting

NAAC meeting was conducted on 19 August 23 in SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore .

  • Aug 19, 2023

Sadbhavana Diwas

Sadbhavana Diwas' is observed nation-wide on 20th August annually but as it falls on a Sunday this year, Sadbhavana Pledge taking was organised 18th August, 2023 in SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore along with all Government Offices.

  • Aug 18, 2023

77th independence day

77th year independence day was celebrated in SEA Group of institutions on 15 August 2023.Nursing department won first prize in March past and various cultural activities were performed by Nursing students.

  • Aug 15, 2023

Panch Pran Pledge taking ceremony

The NSS unit of S.E.A college of Nursing organised the Panch Pran Pledge taking ceremony with pride under the Meri Maati Mera Desh Abhiyan .The Honourable Secretary of S.E.A Group of Institutions, Shri D.T. Srinivasa led the program. Dr Hemam Sangeeta Devi, Principal of S.E.A College college of Nursing, Faculty and students participated with much enthusiasm.

  • Aug 14, 2023

Curriculum meeting

On August 11, 2023, the S.E.A. College of Nursing hosted the S.E.A. CON Curriculum meeting of 2023.The principal, vice principal, heads of department, and faculty convened and meticulously organised extracurricular and curriculum events for the academic year 2023–2024.

  • Aug 11, 2023

Zonal center program

Zonal center program was Organized on 3rd & 4th August 2023 by Makeintern (Excell)-IIT Kharagpur and SEA college of nursing, Bangalore in collaboration with Trained Nurses' association of India, Karnataka branch.

  • Aug 03-04, 2023

Mental Health Wellness Program in Abhayashram

2nd year GNM students from SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore organised Mental Health Wellness Program in Abhayashram, Hoskote (Transitional Home for Mentally ill women) on 01 August 2023.


workshop on Revamping Nursing with Global Advancements in Health Care

Faculties and students from SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore, attended a workshop on Revamping Nursing with Global Advancements in Health Care at Krupanidhi College of Nursing, Bangalore, on 20 July 2023.


orientation programme

On 18 July 23, an orientation programme was held in Vision Hospital, Hoskote, for nursing students who are assigned to a mental health nursing position.


LIC inspection

LIC inspection was held in SEA college of Nursing on 12 July 2023.

  • Jul 12, 2023

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Faculties and Students from SEA College of Nursing attended walkathon on 26th June 2023 on account of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking ( World Drugs Day) at Vidhana Soudha.


Health camp

SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore organized Health camp in collaboration with Health Cresent (Heart and Diabetes Center) and Referal Labs, Bangalore on 21 June 2023.

  • Jun 21, 2023

Blood Donation Camp

SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore, organised Blood Donation Camp in collaboration with Indira Gandhi Institute of Health, Bangalore on 21 June 2023.

  • Jun 21, 2023

Inaguaration of Sri A Krishnappaji Memorial Hospital and Research center

Sri A Krishnappaji Memorial Hospital and Research center, Bangalore under the management of SEA Group of Institutions, was inaugurated on 21st June 2023 on the occasion of Trustee member Dr. Brijesh S Yadav's Birthday Day.

  • Jun 21, 2023

International Yoga Day

SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore celebrated International Yoga Day in the S.E.A multipurpose auditorium on 21 Jun 2023. The yoga instructor led the nursing students in performing various yoga asanas. Students participated very enthusiastically.

  • Jun 21, 2023

Florence Nightingale Award ceremony

Principal, Dr. Hemam Sangeeta Devi, Faculties and students from SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore attended Florence Nightingale Award ceremony organised by Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Karnataka, The Anglo Indian unity center and Garshom Foundation, Bangalore on 12th June 2023 at Banquet hall, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore.


World Environmental day

SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore celebrated Environmental day on 05th June 2023 by conducting awareness rally and various cultural events. On 06th June 2023 Principal, faculties and nursing students from Sea college of nursing planted saplings in rural area, Veerenahalli, Bangalore and conducted awareness program in Govt Higher Primary School, Veerenahalli.


International Nurses Day

SEA College of Nursing celebrated International Nurses Day on 11 and 12 of May 2023. Various competitions were organised for students and faculties.

  • May 11-12, 2023

Osce workshop

Faculties from SEA college of Nursing attended to Zonal workshop on Assessment of clinical competence organised by TNAI in collaboration with MVJ school and college of nursing on 11th May 2023.

  • May 11, 2023

Quiz competition

Ifeoma okoye Mary Cynthia, 4th year Bsc(N) internship student won Quiz competition and seminar organised by Orthopedic Sathya Sai Hospital, Bangalore on the occasion of nurses week celebrations.

  • May 09, 2023

Founder’s day

SEA Group of Institutions, Bangalore organised Founder’s Day on 23rd April 2023. Pooja was conducted at “Krishna Mahal” followed with delicious lunch.

  • Apr 23, 2023

Lamplighting ceremony

SEA College Of Nursing, Bangalore organised Lamplighting Ceremony for Bsc(N) 2022-26 Batch and GNM 2022-25 Batch Students on 13th April 2023.

  • Apr 13, 2023

World Health Day

SEA College of Nursing celebrated World Health Day on 06th April 2023 by conducting awareness rally in K R puram.

  • Apr 06, 2023

Women's day Celebration

Women's day was celebrated in SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore on 08th March 2023. Mrs Jyoti Lalit Chitlangiya, Associate professor, SEA Law College explained about women's rights, laws and opportunities.

  • Mar 08, 2023

SEA CON Alumni Association General Body meeting

SEA CON Alumni Association General Body meeting was conducted virtually on 21st February 2023.
Alumni students from 1st batch till the recently passed out batch joined for the meeting.All members actively participated in the meeting and last year activities were discussed and planning was done for upcoming years.

  • Feb 21, 2023

workers' day

SEA Group of Institutions organized workers' day on the occasion of the birthday of Mrs. Vinisha S Yadav, Vice President, Trust member, SEA Group of Institutions on 14 February 2023. Workers were felicitated on the day.

  • Feb 14, 2023

World Cancer Day

SEA College of Nursing organized the World Cancer Day Awareness program on 04th February 2023. 4th Bsc Nursing students performed a skit regarding Lung cancer and its prevention along with a PPT presentation and all commemorated cancer fighters.

  • Feb 04, 2023

KR Puram Marathon 2023

KR Puram Marathon 2023 was held on 26 January 2023 with a view of corruption - free and clean K Rpuram. Representing SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore. Principal Dr.Hemam Sangeeta Devi, Faculties and students participated in the program. All participants completed the task successfuly.

  • Jan 26, 2023

Republic day celebration

SEA College of Nursing organized the 74th Republic day celebration in the SEA group of institutions on 26 January 2023. Management, principals, faculties, and students attended the program, and various cultural events were conducted.

  • Jan 26, 2023

Saraswathi Pooja

SEA College of Nursing organised Saraswathi Pooja on 25/01/23. Principal, faculties and students attended the program and conducted rituals.

  • Jan 25, 2023

Yoga and wellness

Yoga for Nurses provides the means for nurses to support and enhance our ability to care for ourselves. It gives nurses information and strategies to deal with the physical and mental imperatives found in our daily work life.SEACON organized yoga classes by ATHA YOGA CENTRE and classes will be conducted as per the Indian Nursing Council curriculum provided by SEA College of nursing, which includes Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Philosophy, and yoga Nidra.

  • Jan 14, 2023

Karyakalpa program

Faculties and students from SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore attended Karyakalpa program in Avalahalli PHC, Bangalore on 07/01/23. All members actively participated in planting and maintaining environment cleanliness. Health team felicitated Mrs.Shalini, HOD, Community Health Nursing, SEA College of Nursing Bangalore for co-ordinating the program with health centre.

  • Jan 07, 2023

New Year celebration

SEA College of Nursing organised New Year celebration. Sri.DT Srinivasa, Secretary, SEA Group of Institutions, Bangalore, Principal, faculties and students, SEA College of Nursing celebrated by welcoming the New year - 2023.

  • Jan 02, 2023

Fifth summit on Education

Dr. Hemam Sangeeta Devi, Principal and faculties from SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore attended Fifth summit on Education regarding "What Education Needs?" by Centre for Education Growth and Research on 22nd December, 2022 in Hotel Chancery Pavilion, Residency Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Dr. Hemam Sangeeta Devi was awarded with Rashtriya Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar 2022 for her outstanding Contribution towards Education, Skill, Development and Research.


Christmas celebration

SEA College of Nursing organized a Christmas celebration on 20/12/22. Secret Santas exchanged gifts followed by a delicious Christmas feast.

  • Dec 20, 2022

NAAC meeting

The NAAC meeting was conducted on 14/12/22 at the seminar hall, SEA College of Nursing. Prof. K. V. Rao, Director of the SEA group of institutions, and Dr. Hemam Sangeeta devi discussed with NAAC the criteria in charge and team members.

  • Dec 14, 2022

World Aids day

World Aids day awareness program was conducted by SEA College of Nursing in collaboration with Avalahalli community health center, Bangalore on 1/12/22. The program was initiated with an inauguration followed by a speech by dignitaries. Nursing students, principals, vice principals, and faculties from SEA College of Nursing along with Health center members conducted rallies in the community area to create awareness regarding Aids and its prevention among the public.

  • Dec 01, 2022

International Student Cell meeting

Sea College of Nursing International Student Cell meeting was conducted on 30/11/22. Committee members discussed regarding the election of members for SEA CON International Student Cell, 2022-2023, and further activities.

  • Nov 30, 2022

Blood donation at the Kidwai memorial institute of oncology

Faculties and nursing students from SEA college of nursing, Bangalore participated in Blood donation at the Kidwai memorial institute of oncology on 29/11/22.

  • Nov 29, 2022


The quiz competition was conducted as a part of the Indian Constitution Day celebration on 26/11/22.

  • Nov 26, 2022

Karnataka Rajyotsava Celebration

Rashtra Jagruti Abhiyan Samiti organized formal functions and various cultural events on account of Karnataka Rajyotsava in SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore on 19/11/22

  • Nov 19, 2022

World Diabetic Day

SEA College of Nursing ,Bangalore celebrated World Diabetic Day on 14/11/22 .Awareness on Diabetes Mellitus was created by role play and presentation with various AV aids,

  • Nov 14, 2022

national cancer awareness

SEA college of nursing arranged a programme on national cancer awareness day on 7 th November 2022 in A.V. aids room.Ms. Taniya n Mr.Janeesh have taken PPT presentation about cancer awareness.They have explained about cancer types,causes,symptoms,treatment,prevention of cancer.all the students have gathered in a.v.aids room.The programme has been started by 10.30 am and it ends by 11.30 am.

  • Nov 07, 2022

5th International Conference on Futuristic Nursing

Narayana College of Nursing and SFNP organised 5th International Conference on Futuristic Nursing” which was held on 29th and 30th October, 2022, at Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore, India (Hybrid Event).Dr.Hemam Sangeeta Devi ,Principal ,SEA college of nursing,Bangalore, was one of the resource person in the event.


graduation ceremony

On October 18th, 2022, the graduation ceremony was held at the SEA College of Nursing. Dr. Hemam Sangeeta Devi addressed the gathering. The chief guest, Major Dr Sathyanaraya,ENT Surgeon ,General Hospital, delivered the inaugural speech and was felicitated by the principal,vice-principal , HODs, and other respected dignitories, along with the faculty and students of SEA College of Nursing. Formal programmes were followed by cultural activities.

  • Oct 18, 2022

World mental health day - health checkup camp

3rd year Bsc (N) and 2nd year GNM (N) students along with faculties from SEA College of Nursing organised health check-up for mentally disabled people on the occasion of World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2022 in Abayashram, Transitional Home for the Mentally ill women, Hoskote, Bangalore.

  • Oct 10, 2022

Saraswathi Puja

Saraswathi Puja was conducted in SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore on 01/10/22. Smt. Anupama, Joint secretary, SEA Group of Institutions and Dr. Hemam Sangeeta Devi, Principal ,SEA College of Nursing have joined the rituals along with faculties and students of SEA College of Nursing, Bangalore.

  • Oct 01, 2022

4th international virtual conference

The principal, faculty and students participated in the 4th international virtual conference on Nursing Science and Healthcare organized by the Society forNursing practice and Bioleagues on 29th and 30th September 2022.THEME: Leading Innovation and Pathways Transforming the Future of Nursing. The Principal Dr Hemam Sangeeta Devi delivered the welcome message and was the keynote speaker on Emerging and Re- Emerging Disease and the Threat of Bioterrorism. The Vice principal Prof . Jacline jabagany was the keynote speaker on Transforming Healthcare with Artificial Intelligence .The faculty members presented the Research papers pertaining to their specialty topics and a few faculty were honoured for their best presentation.

  • Sep 29-30, 2022

celebrated navaratri festival

SEA college of nursing celebrated navaratri festival with management, principal, faculties and nursing students on 29/09/22 at sea group of institutions temple, Bangalore.

  • Sep 29, 2022

Induction programme

Induction programme for 2022-2026 batch BSC nursing and 2022-2025 GNM nursing was conducted in seminar hall on 25 September 2022.College infrastructure,RGUHS,INC and Karnataka board guidelines for nursing students, institutional philosophy, rules and regulations were discussed in detail. Faculty introduction as per department was also done.

  • Sep 25, 2022

programme on sexual harassment

SEA College of nursing has arranged a programme on sexual harassment on 23rd September in AV aids room. Mrs.Leena has taken class about sexual harassment. She has explained about types of harassment and legal ways to get protection .All the students assembled in AV AIDS room. The programme has started by and ended by 12 pm.

  • Sep 23, 2022

Alzheimer’s day

SEA College of nursing celebrated world Alzheimer’s day on 21st September 2022 .All the students assembled in A/C auditorium.mrs Sophia and Mrs. Sreeja rani from nightingale medical trust have taken class about “know dementia, know Alzheimer’s “. They distributed badges to all students. The programme started by 10 am and ended by 12 pm.

  • Sep 21, 2022

Essay writing competition on WOMEN EMPOWERMENT

The woman empowerment cell organized on competition on women empowerment on 19/09/2022 at 9:30 AM students participated with much enthusiasm and express the views on the aspects of empowering women.

  • Sep 19, 2022

Interview with the Collaboration of Rainbow Hospital

SEA college of nursing conducted walk in interview with the collaboration of Rainbow hospital. All final year GNM and B SC Nursing students are assembled in AV aids room at 11am to 5pm. Mrs Savitha, Nursing Manager Rainbow hospital and Mrs Gayathri, infection control nurse Rainbow hospital they have given the Google forms to the students and conducted MCQ test. on the basis of written test they conducted face to face interview for the students.


Training on Operation Theatre

A 4 days training was conducted on operation theatre 12/09/22 to 15/09/2022, with one day a detailed theory about operation theatre which covered introduction, important things in OT by dr Mohamed Ahamed, preparation of OT for operating, quality assurance in OT, sterility, specimen collection to dispatch, perioperative nursing care by ms shiji Joy, preoperative and post operative nursing care by Dr samreeth and a detailed introduction about anesthesia by Dr vikas. Followed by 3 days practical session in Gawai hospital and Q- medical centre and hospital, which covered important instruments in OT, OT techniques like scrubbing gowning autoclave and sterilization are practiced by students. Also ESMR treatment has been explained and shown to the students.

  • Sep 12-15, 2022

Seminar on “Laws Against Sexual Harrasment ‘’

The Anti sexual Harrasment committee organized a seminar on “Laws Against Sexual Harrasment’’ in the A.V. Aids room to create an awareness among the students of SEA college of Nursing on 09/09/2022 at 11.00 am. The aspects on existing laws against sexual harassment was highlighted by the speaker Ms Varalakshmi of SEA Law college. The students participated with much enthusiasm and were much benefitted through the programme.

  • Sep 09, 2022


TNAI members from sea college of nursing were invited to participate in TNAI and SNA meeting on 09/09/2022 at Kidwai Hospital, Bangalore.

TNA functioning, infrastructure, future plan and the activities of TNAI and SNA were discussed in detail

  • Sep 09, 2022


NAAC meeting was held at seminar hall, SEACON. Dr.Hemam Sangeeta Devi, Principal SEA Group of Institutions addressed Smt Anupama, Joint Secretary SEA Group of Institutions, Dr.Viyanna Rao, Director SEA Group of Institutions. Previous NAAC meeting’s actions taken were discussed with all committee members and instructed all the members to complete the assigned NAAC task by September 30th 2022. The meeting was concluded with vote of thanks by Mrs. Jacline Jabagany, Vice-Principal, SEA College of Nursing.

  • Sep 07, 2022


The Faculty and students at SEA college celebrated Onam, the harvest festival of Kerala in a grand manner. As the SEA college is a group of institutions, the management values and cherishes the celebration of all the festivals, as there are students from different cultural background undergoing education in this prestigious institution. The traditional Kerala attire was worn and the ground was beautifully decorated with flower filled colourful rangoli which is the usual custom during this festival.

  • Aug 26, 2022

Workshop on tcs ion

Dr.Hemam Sangeeta Devi Principal and Prof.Geetha .K Sea College Of Nursing, Bangalore were invited to attend Workshop on tcs ion. Tcs ion is focused on empowering people and organization with Tec-led education to transform themselves for the new world. Learning programs provide a range of outcomes driven multi modal interactive formats for focused learner needs. This programme helps in career counselling.

  • Aug 23, 2022


The First year GNM and First year BSc Nursing students organized nutritional practical programme, the objectives being to know the different types of diet given to patients, under the guidance of the Ist year class coordinator Mrs Swarna Jyothi, Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing and Ist year BSc coordinator Mrs Gadhi Kavitha, professor of Child Health Nursing Department. Students were divided into groups and competed with each other in preparing various dishes with appropriate calculation.

  • Aug 22-25, 2022


SEACON took immense pride in celebrating the 75th year of Independence Day. The program commenced with hoisting of the Tri coloured flag with great honour and thereafter the national anthem was chanted in a respectful manner. A grand parade was organized and various departments of the Institution competed in performing their best and our Nursing students clad in their colourful attire marched ahead proudly and won the appreciation of the onlookers and bagged the trophy by occupying the first place.

  • Aug 15, 2022


SEA College of Nursing being affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (RGUHS). A team of experts of Local Inspection Committee (LIC) from RGUHS visited our esteemed college for inspection towards granting continuation of affiliation for the UG courses & PG courses. The team went around the whole campus and inspected the infrastructure facilities such as classrooms, Labs, Library etc.., and details of the college were submitted to the inspection team as per the RGUHS format.

  • Jul 23, 2022


Menstrual blood is a rich source of stem cells which has the ability to multiply and differentiate into any kind of cells. Researchers have discovered and successfully harvested stem cells from menstrual blood, making it possible for all the women including those who have never given birth to preserve stem cells for themselves for regenerative or cosmetic purposes etc. . Recognizing the importance of the topic, Mrs Yeshodamma, Associate professor in Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing enriched the knowledge of the faculty.

  • Jul 23, 2022


Due to the increasing number of covid cases, SEA college of Nursing organized the Booster dose vaccination drive against Covid as a precautionary measure to safeguard the students and faculty. The health department from the government sector administered the vaccine, through which all the departments of SEA group of Institutions including the neighbouring people were benefitted.

  • Jul 19, 2022


III year B.Sc. and II Year GNM students of SEA Nursing organized school health programme under the guidance of Dr. Hemam Sangeeta Devi, Principal, Geetha. K HOD, Paediatric Department, Gadhi Kavitha Professor, Rajashree and P Parvathi Lecturer in SEAPHS School conducted health check-up for student’s health camp was imparted on personal hygiene where arised for the children. Children participated in programme enthusiastically and where benefited.

  • Jul 01, 2022


The SEA College of Nursing faculty attended Simulation teaching strategies workshop organized by trained Nurses association of India, Karnataka state branch conducted in collaboration with Louise Herrington school of Nursing, Baylor university Texas, USA. The Teaching learning methods were demonstrated in the simulation lab using standardized patients. The faculty gained excellent skills in the area of practice and refreshed their knowledge.

  • Jun 27-28, 2022


Our final year GNM and BSc Nursing students were attending interview for internship dut. Interview was conducted by Dr. Shankar and Dr. Shashikanth. Out of 42 students 17 students were selected and paying stipend as 8k to 10k.

  • Jun 27, 2022


The 4th year BSc Nursing students of SEA College of Nursing along with the principal and faculty organized a School Health Programme at Veernahalli government school, Bangalore. Health education was imparted on personal hygiene and games were arranged for the children and prizes were awarded to the winners. Children participated in the program enthusiastically and were benefitted.

  • Jun 25, 2022


The International yoga day was celebrated by the faculty and students of SEA college of Nursing. The program commenced with an inauguration and basing on the International Yoga day theme for the year 2022.

  • Jun 20, 2022

World Environment Day Celebration

SEA college of Nursing celebrated the World Environment Day under the Theme Only one Earth”. The principal and faculty were dressed in green attire and joined the students who actively participated in cleaning the campus.

  • Jun 05, 2022


International Nurses Day is on 12 May each year, to mark the contributions that nurses make to society. The day also coincides with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.

  • May 12, 2022


A blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusions and/or made into biopharmaceutical medications by a process called fractionation (separation of whole blood components).

  • Apr 09, 2022


World Health Day. April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. Will create awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a priority area of concern for the World Health Organization.

  • Apr 07, 2022


Health Camps are mobile and are conducted in different locations by qualified doctors, nurses, and paramedics and community health workers. In most cases, these health camps are funded by NGO's, Trusts or renowned Hospitals.

  • Mar 08, 2022


The Pulse Polio Initiative was started with an objective of achieving hundred per cent coverage under Oral Polio Vaccine. It aimed to immunize children through improved social mobilization, plan mop-up operations.

  • 27th Feb to 2nd Mar
  • 2022


Republic Day marks the adoption of the constitution of India and the transition of the country to a republic on January 26, 1950. Every year, the celebrations marking the day feature spectacular military and cultural pageantry.

  • Mar 26, 2022